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Amazing facts about eye

Yes God we and countless more of these blessings that indispensable man, the grace of the eye and through which you can see everything that goes on around you, but there are several facts that no one knows much about the eye, including:

- There is a property in the eye that enable them to distinguish between 10 million different colors and varied

- There are some women are characterized by a genetic mutation in a gene vision, which enables them to see millions of additional men that do not see colors.

- If the eye was a digital camera was the 576-megapixel size

- Most newborns have no tears and tears not appear until after the passage of three major to four weeks from the date of birth

- Considered the world's eyes physicist Einstein of the most precious eyes as she is still preserved in the Fund in New York City

- Is the controlling eye muscles are among the most active in the body muscles

- We find that most of the people with blue eyes is due out the color of their eyes to one of the men who lived near the Black Sea about 10,000 years.


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