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Bitter cold keeps fit

A recent study revealed that exposure to low temperatures may increase the protein levels of newly discovered plays a crucial role in the formation of brown fat, which is fat needed to generate energy in our bodies.

Researchers at the University of California found that prolonged exposure to cold air, pushes this protein, to help fat cells White deployed in our bodies, which deliberately to excess energy storage, to become like structure of fat cells in their ability to burn fat and energy.

"The Hei Sook Sul" professor at the University of California Perhaps Om, nutrition and toxicology, Knowing the proteins that regulate the structure of fat, is important to the role of these fats not only in the generation of heat, but to influence the metabolism and insulin resistance.

The «Seoul» that doubling the levels of this protein by prescription drugs, can have a profound impact in double lipids important infrastructure in the loss of excess weight, even in the case of eating the same amount of food and quality of full-fat.

Unlike white fat, which works on energy and fat storage, Fat infrastructure works to burn energy for the stability Tdfitna where gaining color structures of relatively high levels of «mitochondria» which is tantamount to a power plant in the cell in humans

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